

Galatians 1:6 - Paul was amazed that these believers were turning away from the truth of Christ. Since that time, we have learned not to be amazed. In this New Millennium, we are more amazed when they dont. Why is that?

I think it's that Paul worked hard to instill the basics of Christianity deep into the collective conciousness of the 1st Century believers. Years were spent teaching and living an example before them. When Paul moved on, he was confident that these were able to walk godly in communion with one another. He fought the infiltration of worldly philosophies into the churches like fire in a library.

Today, though, we dont fight it. We advise against it. We encourage people to stay away from things that might be harmful to their spiritual lives, but we stop short of standing in their way. Do we understand the cost of such passivity?

Pardon me while I process this for my own life...

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