
Jax the Dog and Divine Providence

First off, Beth is fine. She's home and able to get around a bit with her new walker. Thanks to you all for prayers and inquiries.

Now, about Jax- He's a little some kind of hairy terrier. He's hyperactive, mischievous, unruly and I just dont like him. Although he isnt mine, he lives in my house. Since he belongs to my daughter and her three, I'm sort of attached to him, as one might be to a large mole or tumor. Sadly, he thinks I'm his friend. In his world, I am the alpha dog.

This weekend, we received a generous outpouring of snow. Overall, probably 8-10 inches fell. Yesterday, I looked all over for the snow shovel, but couldnt find it anywhere. In the meantime, Jax was feeling rebellious. I tried twice to make him go out, but he was having none of it. While I was on the phone with Beth, just before I planned to walk out the door, he ran out into the snow and across the patio to the far end. I called and whistled. Offered treats, but it was no good. Finally, I went to the other door in hopes that he would either come in there, or run to the first one. Neither. He ran to the middle and stood in the chest deep snow, wagging his tail as though I might want to play. Stepping out onto the deck after him, I felt something under the snow. You'll never guess what it was...I'll bet you already have...yup...It was the missing snow shovel.

Once again, it could have been a coincidence, but I'm accustomed to them by now. Who am I to argue or question if God chooses to use a skinny little dog to do His work? I still dont like the dog, but I was grateful for him yesterday.

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