

Requirement without compliance...

It's stereotypical, yet common. We see it on TV all the time when dealing with Christian characters. They're dogmatic, bigotted, loud...and almost always hypocritical. They lie, murder, rape, steal.

Sadly, there is a tiny bit of truth in that characterisation. Some people who do these things call themselves Christians. That doesnt mean they really are, but media doesnt like to split hairs on such matters.

Others who lie, cheat, deride, etc. are believers who have somehow fallen into the trap of measuring spirituality by works. Either way, it's a poor reflection on the person of Christ.

Worse, is that people want to believe it. People can spot the imposter. They know if we're walking in our own power. That isnt to say they wont follow. Some will because they want to believe there's a different way. When they fail, others will point to them and say,"See! There's no power in that Christianity stuff!"

So, I must set the example for those around me. My life has to show them that there is power. That isnt to say I'm trying to live better, or be more thoughtful, or pray more. The goal is to let go of control and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit.

How does that happen.......?

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