
Happy Angam Day!

Yup. It's Angam Day in Nauru, and that means celebration! Well, it was actually yesterday, but at this moment here in Denver, it's 11:30 on Monday night. In Nauru, it's 5:30 in the afternoon on Tuesday, the 27th.

What is Angam Day? It's the Day of Fulfullment - a day set aside to commemorate the birth of a baby girl named Eidaruwo. She was the special child, born on October 26, 1932. Her birth brought the Nauruan population back to 1,500. That's right. One thousand, five hundred Nauruans. This was up from 1,086 following the influenza epidemic of the 1920's.

From that time till now, this date has been set aside to celebrate the continued existence of the Nauruan people. It was not celebrated during WWII, because the population once again dropped below 1,500.

Existing as an island about 21 km across, between Honolulu and New Guinea, Nauru is the smallest republic in the world. It gained freedom from Australia in 1968, but is deeply dependent on that country for survival.

The birth of this little girl was so important that seventy years later this little island is still celebrating her birthday.

Now, wouldnt it be easy for me to dive right into a metaphor about how sin is a sickness that infects everyone? And how that there was another baby, born two-thousand years ago who is able to save us all? Sure would, but that isnt where I'm going.

You see, today there are reportedly between ten and fifteen thousand people living on that little island. their religious affiliations are recorded as -Nauru Congregational 35.4%, Roman Catholic 33.2%, Nauru Independent Church 10.4%, other 14.1%, none 4.5%, unspecified 2.4% (2002 census)

The island is destitute as the result of continued mining exploitation and nearly all food has to be imported. The result is a diet that leads to obesity, diabetes and other related health problems. Some reports show the average life expectancy now between fifty and sixty years and declining.

My point is this - Here is a tiny island, with declining population. The people are in bondage to several kinds of falsehood with little or no true witness. .As an American believer, how do I respond to this knowledge?

I cant go as a missionary. First of all, I havent the finances. Second, God simply hasnt called me, so no matter how strongly I might feel about the situation, I'd be going in my own power.

What then? I can pray. I dont mean,"All I can do is pray." I mean, I can do the single most powerful thing any believer can do. I can pray for them. I can pray the Lord of the Harvest to send forth laborers. Then I can believe that He hears and will answer.

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