
Sarah and Hagar and Peter and Me...

Hagar and Sarah are an allegory for us? Hmm…

Hagar represents the law, or maybe more accurately, religious zealots who boast in their own accomplishments (Gen 16). Sarah represents those who trust the promise and see the fruit in time.

I love that Sarah doubted. Why? Because, that’s what I do. I have all the power and promises of God, yet I doubt and try to make things happen on my own. Every time I do, the result is a mess.

It’s like Peter walking on the water. He saw the wind and the waves and doubted. Of course, he really couldn’t do anything besides cry out to Christ. Sarah had more options. She had a handmaid. Sarah doubted and took matters into her own hands. She rationalized the situation and came up with a solution that seemed to make sense.

We must remember that God’s ways often don’t make sense. We just have to trust Him. When we start looking around or try to analyze our situations, we just cause trouble for ourselves.

The thing is, Sarah still received the fulfillment of the promise. Even though she doubted and was unfaithful, God was completely faithful to her and to his promise. Peter still walked with Jesus back to the boat…on the water.

It’s the same in my life. I lose faith. I lose patience and try to make things happen on my own. I screw things up and get in over my head…but every time God is faithful to bring me through and work His will in my life. Not only that, but He uses it to teach me about Himself. He amazes me with Himself.


  1. Good thoughts Don. They doubted, but did not allow it to paralyze them. God awarded even the smallest faith. Unlike the 11 other pairs of dry feet still sitting in the boat.

  2. You make an interesting point. How often do I miss out on something phenomenal because I dont want to get my feet wet?

    I'm working on this right now. There are several things that the Lord has impressed upon me, and I'm moving. At this moment, I can see His hand at work, but dont know what He's doing. Pray that I'll be sensitive to His leading and patient with His timing.


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