
Canada Geese and the Protection of the Believer...

Although there are some connections that could be made to Galatians, this is more of a random post. I promise to post again this evening with something more relevant.

The offices I work in are located in the foothills along Colorado's front range. There is a creek that runs through, which the landscaping architect had dammed up in places to form little ponds. Because of this, we have flocks of Canada Geese. It can often be irritating, as you have to watch where you walk to avoid the excrement. That isnt what I want to talk about, though.

Canada Geese are a protected animal. It's illegal to harm, kill, or harass them in any way. Their nests and eggs are also protected, so they are free to set up housekeeping anywhere they like - and they like some strange places. One made her nest on top of a massive, industrial air conditioning unit. Another settled just outside one of the exit doors to our building. The result of this protection has been that these creatures now have no fear of humans.

The windows of my mail center look out across the street. Sometimes a dozen or so geese will decide to cross. Just as they fly in formation, they also walk single file - veerrryy slowly. This holds up traffic until they all get across. For a dozen geese to cross the street can sometimes take three or four minutes. A time or two I've even seen one stop and stare at the people in the cars, as if to say, "Go ahead, Punk, make my day!"

So what? you say.

Well, here's the thing. As a believer who is alive in Christ, I also have this kind of protection. My life is completely in the hands of the Almighty One. That means that nothing can happen to me without His permission.

Like those geese crossing the road, we move against the traffic of this world and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Satan and his bunch are bound by God's will, as well. Really. What do you think stops them from simply overpowering the inhabitants of this planet to set up a kingdom? They may be rebels, but their rebellion is controlled by our Omnipotent God.

Hold up a minute, BroBud. What if I'm not walking according to God's Word? What if I'm in total rebellion against God? Does He still protect me and control my life? I believe He does. Check out Romans 8 and Ephesians 1. The thing is, during my rebellion, the Holy Spirit's single job is to return me to harmony with my Father. My life will eventually become so pointless that I have no choice other than a return to God's way. It's the only way to true happiness. Everything else is simply self-deception. Sooner or later that deception wears thin.

If you're in that situation, give it up now. God wont force you to do anything, but He'll allow things to get awfully hard to bear. I have been there and speak from experience. Go ahead and get happy now.

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