
How Committed Am I?

As I think about this journey that Paul and Barnabas made, I wonder how many of us would take on such a task. Certainly these men were "full time" ministers. All that meant in those days, though, was that they worked to provide for themselves.

So, this question arose and demanded an answer. It was determined that someone needed to make the trek from Syria to Jerusalem and get an answer. Paul and Barnabas were appointed. So they packed up their gear, left whatever homes they had made for themselves, gathered a few others who were willing to go, and left.

Now, this wasnt a short and easy trip. We dont know (or maybe I dont remember) if they went by land or sea. By land would have taken longer, but sea passage would probably have been more expensive. Either way, I have to ask myself, would I be willing to go?

If there were soul-important matters that demanded attention and a conference was being held in Oshkosh, Wisconsin, would I make the time to go? What if it required staying at wilderness campgrounds and cooking over an open fire? Worse yet, what if I had to do without some meals along the way? Would I be willing to go?

I guess the bigger question is, How much value do I place on human souls? Is it worth my time and sacrifice just to answer one question?


  1. There is no doubt that the 'average' Christian has no where near enough concern for the souls of men. Unfortunately, we are more often too concerned about ourselves (comforts, experiences, etc)to even notice those around us. "Me" is the drug of choice and most of us are overdosed.

  2. Oh yeah, Galatians 1:10 :)

  3. If what you say is true and 21st century believers are not concerned enough, shouldnt that be changed? What does it take to do that in my own life and to influence others that way, too?

  4. Our passion must be Christ and not ourselves and our puny interests. A person can be passionate about anything if they will apply themselves. What is it that you want to be passionate about? Find out about that 'thing'. Is it Christ? Read his words, study his life, emulate his life. Set aside those things that do not aide us, but hinder. Exercise. Daily. Less of self, more of Christ. These are just random thoughts that I struggle to apply every day. And from my own personal experience, commitment to Christ is infectious among true beleivers.


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