
The Minister of Sin

or "How my actions reflect on the person of Christ".

To claim the sacrifice of Jesus for my own salvation is the beginning of a new chapter in my life. All my sins are forgiven and the power of sin overcome in my life. It is the sole reason that Christ came to this earth.

If one uses that sacrifice in order to justify a continuing sinful lifestyle, Christ has become the minister of sin - an enabler who opened the way to sin without consequence. This is ludicrous at best and blasphemous.

When we claim the name of Jesus, the standard of living becomes the Bible. We should study it and apply its teachings to our lives. As we do so, our lives will look less and less like the world. Our minds should conform more and more to the mind of Christ. His priorities should become our own and we should be working to bring others to Him.

This isnt to say that every conversation must be manipulated around to Christ or that everything we do with unbelievers must be geared to bring that conversation about. It simply means that we live in such a way that others see Him in us and want to investigate the difference.

It seems common in today's America, that Christians disregard much of the Bible's teaching because "the law is dead and we are no longer in bondage". The Bible clearly forbids drunkenness, but many Christians love to go out pubbing with unbelieving friends. It speaks against cursing, but profanity is common among Christians today. It teaches a modest style of dress, but we are evidently above that, as well.

Let me clarify my stance, before you think this is just a rant to vent my personal frustrations. It isnt. My position is that the Bible is specific, yet people who claim to have Christ within continue to live as the rest of the world.

This is nothing new. Paul dealt with the same thing many times. So did James, John and Peter in their epistles. The only things new about it are the names.


  1. Great thoughts. Personally, I find it easy to lack discipline in my life because my background was intense discipline rooted in legalism. What God is teaching me now is that discipline is so important, but the motivation has to be for His glory and not meritorious. I see examples of what you are saying on a daily basis and am fortunately in a unique position to challenge the behaviour. Once again, the answer is to saturate ourselves in God's Word and allow the Holy Spirit to conform us to that standard. Well put DBarnes!

  2. I hope my post didnt seem judgemental. Most of us come short when it comes to commitment. Life is busy and we think we'll make time for study/prayer/church/fill-in-the-blank later.

    I used to struggle making time for church. It was a chore for me to get there. What changed that was when I realized that this is an act of worship. I dont mean that it was a worship service. What I do mean is that it is an act of worship to get myself ready and into the car, drive to the building and participate in that service. By choosing not to, I was making a choice to deny my God the worship He deserves simply because He is God, and which He earned when He stretched His arms out on the cross.

    The same is true in many areas of my life. If I choose not to study, or to pray, I deny Him of the worship He is owed.

    Still, I do it every day in some fashion.


Thanks for participating in this discussion. It is important that believers discuss and contend over scripture. It's how we keep aligned.