
Why do believers become dissatisfied?

What's been stuck in my mind for a while is this idea of going back to what I left behind. I realize that contextually, Paul is talking about going back to something that I depended on spiritually. The thing that's been niggling me, though, is that believers often go back to another lifestyle that had nothing to do with the spirit.

The question that I have is, "Why do believers become dissatisfied with their lives?"

How do we get so distracted? When I was first saved, my life was consumed with sharing Jesus' story with others. As time went by, I lost that excitement. What happened?

Life happened.

For me, there were a lot of unmet expectations from Christ. He was supposed to provide an abundant life for me and my family, but we lived month to month, sometimes not knowing how the bills would get paid. He was supposed to provide happiness and peace, but tragedy seemed an unending part of life. Marriage was hard, child-raising was hard, meeting our commitments was hard. What was wrong?

My expectations were wrong. I listened to the wrong people and didnt get the true story. As my life came apart, I kept thinking about Job. His life was a lot like mine. Terrible things happened to him and God never helped or explained. What was Job's response? He complained. He sat down in a big pile of ashes and felt sorry for himself, but he never gave up on God.

Now, I could have picked up my guitar and walked right on back to my old lifestyle, but it wasnt right. This isnt to say that I stood strong. Far from it. For some years, I retreated into a hollow shell and wouldnt let anyone in, least of all Christ. During this time there were lots of supportive believers, older and otherwise, who tried to encourage me, but the biggest influence, I think, was watching my wife's parents.

They had been throught it all, too. As I observed, one tragedy after another came and went, but they continued to be faithful - and happy. Watching them, I learned how to walk in the Spirit, despite the struggles.

So, maybe that's one of the big reasons believers get dissatisfied. They dont know what to expect, from a Biblical viewpoint. They need a living example of The Life. It is my desire to be that example for others.

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