
Patriot Day and Liberty

Yesterday was Patriot Day. It was set up as a reminder to people in this country of the events that took place on September 11, 2001. As I reflect on it, that day has been used to remove more or our freedoms than any other day I can remember. We can no longer travel freely. We can no longer talk on the phone privately, or feel secure that our homes are safe havens. More and more we are being brought into bondage under the label of "security", because of what happened on that day.

This book is about spiritual liberty and bondage. Thank God, there is nothing that can remove the liberty I have to serve Him in the power and guidance of the Holy Spirit. No matter what happens in this country or any other, my allegiance is to Christ and no other. Whether I can worship openly, or am forced to do so in secret like others before, the responsibility to live for Christ remains and I am free to do so, knowing that I may pay for that freedom with my physical life but no one can take from me the eternal life that Jesus bought on that Cross in Jerusalem two thousand years ago.

Yes, I am to be a good citizen of these United States. I am to obey its laws and respect its leaders, insomuch as they do not oppose the way of Christ. If faced with that situation, my only response must be to honor Christ, whose blood stained the wood of His cross and the ground beneath, so that I can be free from the law of sin and death, which is universal to everyone who is born into this world.

Am I ready for that? Perhaps not, but if that time comes, I will be.

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